Technical Services
KBR offers comprehensive technical services across all industry verticals
For over 100 years, KBR has been a leader and trusted licensor for the Fertilizer, Refining, Petrochemical & Chemicals industries with hundreds of operating installations around the world.
Our services range across the lifecycle of facilities such as:
- Pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up services
- Team Competency Development/Training Programs
- Operational Readiness Reviews
- Asset Integrity and Reliability Audits
- Equipment Inspection & Site Advisory Services
- Supply Chain/Logistics Planning Services
- Debottlenecking Studies
- Plant-Rating Assessments
- Advanced Simulation for Process Optimization
- Energy Audits
- Carbon Audits
- Emissions Abatement Studies
- Carbon Capture & Sequestration
We provide superior value by seamlessly combining process expertise with sound business processes adapted to the enterprise and plant environments
KBR’s subject matter experts diagnose the “as is” situation, perform a “what if” analysis, recommend improvements, and propose changes that address the challenges and add tangible value to the asset. Our SMEs address process concerns, equipment issues, bottlenecks, and organizational effectiveness and suggest solutions.
We follow a collaborative approach to provide Technical Services:
Customer-Focused Solutions Approach
Utilize global resources to identify and diagnose the problem. Collaboratively develop solutions and provide support across the lifecycle of the facility.
Aligned with Customers' Overall Business Strategy
Structure resources, capabilities, and systems necessary to support the achievement of our client's business strategy.

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