Defence Nuclear Technology Solutions (DNTS)
Defence Nuclear Technology Solutions (DNTS)
As a trusted delivery partner integrating solutions across defense, nuclear, government and infrastructure market sectors, our DNTS business delivers vital capability and assured performance in support of our customers' critical operations.

Rapid mobilisation and full end-to-end supply chain and logistical managed services
Support client deployed operations providing a suite of soft and hard facilities management services to UK standards
Delivering under the most challenging of circumstances through our Contingency Operations programmes

Provision of technical, tactical and integrated logistical support to critical military support systems though our equipment support programmes
Provide the best environments for soldiers and sailors to live, work and train

Enable our customers to optimize their estates in terms of cost, utilization, energy consumption, size and workplace comfort
Creation of strategic partnerships, forming integrated customer, supply chain and operational delivery teams
Acting as integrators, provide project and programme delivery expertise

Establish programme management offices that use digitally modern and automated processes
Provision of people-driven, technology-led solutions that can adapt with agility, collaboration and innovation
Programme and Project Partners (PPP) at Sellafield
A groundbreaking 20-year partnership between KBR, Amentum, Morgan Sindall Infrastructure, Altrad Babcock and Sellafield Ltd. Together we are delivering one of the most complex portfolios of major infrastructure projects in the world to help achieve Sellafield Ltd’s purpose – to create a clean and safe environment for future generations.

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